Open Daily 9am-9pm. Order by 8pm for Same-day delivery!

Enjoy your favorite Dispensary Loyalty Program in Sacramento

Start Earning On Every Purchase Now!

Best part, its totaly free !

Ree'fer a Friend Now

The better way to share Cannabis Rewards with Friends !

GIVE $20, GET $20 !!!

Start Your Cannabis Rewards Jorney

Start Earning On Every Purchase Now!

Best part, its totaly free !

Unlocking Your Reward Journey With

Cannagram’s Dispensary Loyalty Rewards Program.


Sign Up for Cannabis Rewards

Become a valued member of our thriving Weed Rewards community when you sign up for the Cannagram Loyalty Wallet Program. This step opens the door to exclusive deals and a plethora of rewards, ensuring your loyalty is rewarded.

Shop and earn Points

Cannagram offers an extensive selection of the industry’s best weed and cannabis infused products. Every purchase you make accumulates points, which you can later redeem for exciting weed rewards.

Redeem Points for weed rewards!

Shop, earn, and unlock a world of rewards. From discounts and exclusive deals to free products, the Delivery Dispensary Loyalty Program enhances your cannabis experience. Your loyalty pays off in more ways than one.

Refer a Friend and Get $20 - Dispensary Loyalty Program Delivery in sacramento

Reef’er a Friend – Give $20 and Get $20!

Jumpstart your rewarding adventure and share the excitement with your pals. Invite your friends to Cannagram and give them a generous $20 off their first order. Once they place their first order, you’ll find a $20 discount reward waiting for you. It’s not just about being a friend; it’s also the perfect way to ignite your journey.
a Guy order a Dispensary loyalty program Cannagram Cannabis delivery Sacramento
Maximize Your Convenience!

Upgrade Your Experience to the Next Level!

Insider tip: Having referred a friend and earned your bonus, it’s a wise move to equip yourself with a more efficient tool for your orders. Our app ensures a smooth purchasing journey, exclusive deal updates, and live order tracking. Download it now for an elevated and seamless experience in cannabis shopping!

Cannagram’s Loyalty Program: Your Rewards Journey Begins!

Welcome to the exciting journey of Cannagram’s Loyalty Program, your gateway to the best dispensary Weed Rewards in Sacramento and the surrounding areas! We invite you to embark on a personalized adventure, where your loyalty to Cannagram is celebrated and rewarded at every turn.



You’ve opted in and started your Cannagram loyalty journey and with a warm welcome we add a $10 gift, ready to be used on your next purchase, setting a positive tone for your experience with us.

Opt-In & Save 10%: Join DISPENSARY LOYALTY PROGRAM for Instant Savings on Cannabis Delivery

Amazing Promos to Your Three Next Orders

Unlock a world of rewards with Cannagram! Prepare for exclusive deals on your next orders and experience savings like never before. Each order brings more perks and bigger discounts!

a art for Wallet: Manage Your Cannabis Delivery Rewards Journey with DISPENSARY LOYALTY PROGRAM

#2 Order $20 OFF + Lighter

Light Up Your Savings with $20 OFF!

On your second order, Cannagram is lighting the way to more savings. Get $20 OFF and receive an exclusive Cannagram lighter with your purchase. Your loyalty is on fire, and we’re just getting started!

$20 loyalty exclusive offer from Cannagram with a free lighter gift.
Exclusive $10 loyalty offer from Cannagram, including a rolling tray.

#3 Order $10 OFF + Rolling Tray

Roll into Your Third Order with $10 OFF

For your third order, we’re rolling out the perks! Get $10 OFF plus a custom Cannagram rolling tray to keep your sessions tidy and smooth. Save big and gear up for the ultimate experience!

#4 Order $10 OFF + Edible or Preroll

Pick Your Perfect Perk: $10 OFF + Edible or Preroll

On your fourth order, the choice is yours! Enjoy $10 OFF and choose between a tasty edible or a smooth preroll to accompany your order. Your loyalty deserves nothing but the best!

$10 Cannagram promotion with the option of an Edible or Preroll as a gift.

Growing Your Wallet – Sow Loyalty Points with Every Purchase!

In this garden of loyalty, with each purchase, you become the master gardener, sowing the seeds of loyalty points that are poised to sprout into a magnificent harvest of discounts and exclusive rewards.The more you sow loyalty points, the more you reap a harvest of perks!
a art for Wallet: Manage Your Cannabis Delivery Rewards Journey with DISPENSARY LOYALTY PROGRAM

$5 FOR 1000 POINTS

Embark on your cannabis journey with Cannagram’s Dispensary Loyalty Program, where every step accumulates value. Reach the milestone of 1000 points, and you can instantly redeem them for a generous $5 discount on your next order.

Points Milestone - 3000: Reach New Heights with DISPENSARY LOYALTY PROGRAM for Cannabis Delivery
Points Milestone - 3000: Reach New Heights with DISPENSARY LOYALTY PROGRAM for Cannabis Delivery

 10% OFF FOR 3000 POINTS

Reaching 3000 points is a significant milestone. Celebrate it with a generous 10% discount loyalty reward available on your next purchase, showing our gratitude for your continued support and loyalty.

Your Journey, Your Reward: There, $20 Awaits You in Our Dispensary Loyalty Program

Hey there, loyal bud! Now that you’ve been a trusty companion in our journey through a world of high-quality strains and products, it’s time to celebrate. When your total spending with Cannagram hits $1000, we’re thrilled to gift you a cool $20. It’s our way of saying ‘thanks’ for being part of our exclusive Weed dispensary loyalty rewards program.  Cheers to more great times ahead!
Points Milestone - Get 20$  when $1000 Spend: Reach New Heights with DISPENSARY LOYALTY PROGRAM for Cannabis Delivery
Free Weed Product  Standard $10 Value Birthday Gift: Celebrate Your Special Day with DISPENSARY LOYALTY PROGRAM Cannabis Delivery Rewards

Birthday Free Product

Birthdays are special occasions, and we want to make yours even more memorable. Receive a complimentary product on your birthday as our gift to you.

Birthday Free Product + 1000 Points – Loyalty Exclusive

Exclusively for our loyal customers, on your birthday, you’ll receive a free product along with an extra 1000 points, making your special day even more special.
Free Product: Enhance Your Cannabis Delivery with DISPENSARY LOYALTY PROGRAM Perks. Our Birthday, your happy.

Annivery Gift Free Product – $16 Value

We’re celebrating our anniversary!, choose your gift with up to a $16 value, ensuring you feel valued on our anniversary and your day is filled with extra joy.Join us in commemorating this special occasion and let your day be filled with extra joy as we express our gratitude through our exclusive Dispensary Loyalty Program.


Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us, and we want to reward you for sharing your experiences. Leave a review, and we’ll give you a 500 Loyalty Points as a token of our appreciation.Unlock the full potential of your Cannagram Wallet and embark on a rewarding journey through the world of Weed Rewards and savings. Join our Dispensary Loyalty Program today, and let your loyalty lead the way to incredible benefits.

Image showcasing Sacramento cannabis delivery loyalty program with 500 loyalty points highlighted.

What people are saying…


Don’t just take our word for it. See what our customers have to say about our excellent service, fast delivery, and high-quality Cannabis products.


Answer your questions about our Dispensary Loyalty Program with our FAQ

How do I join the Cannagram Loyalty Rewards Program

  • Joining is easy! Just click here and fill out the form. Once you’re oped-in, you’ll get our best deals and updates sent directly to you weekly and will earn discounts and rewards with every purchase! Ready to embark on your journey with the Cannagram Dispensary Loyalty Program?

How do I view my points and available rewards?

You can see your rewards points balance and available rewards by visiting your Loyalty Wallet by clicking here! Make sure to bookmark for easy access later! Looking to enhance your experience with our Dispensary Loyalty Program?

Do loyalty rewards affect my delivery minimum?

  • You must meet your local order minimum after any discount, but before taxes. If you order min is $60 pretax, that would be the subtotal you need to meet after discounts but before taxes. Your after tax minimum will need to be $72. Ensuring clarity in our Dispensary Loyalty Program

Are there any fees associated with Cannagram’s Loyalty Wallet?

  • There are no fees to have a Cannagram Loyalty Wallet or to be a part of the program. It’s totally free and very rewarding! Join us on this cost-free journey, reaping the benefits of the Cannagram Dispensary Loyalty Program at no extra cost. 

What can I use my loyalty points for?

  • Loyalty Points accrue and can be redeemed for discounts. 1000pnts can be used for a $5 rewards discount. 3000pnts can be used for a 10% discount and more rewards may come in the future! Keep an eye out for more exciting rewards in the future! Elevate your experience with our Dispensary Loyalty Program.

Can Rewards be stacked with other rewards or discounts?

  • $5 discount rewards can be applied to any order. Whole cart discounts, however, cannot be stacked with other cart discounts or rewards.Ensuring a seamless experience within our Dispensary Loyalty Program is our top priority.

How do I redeem my rewards?

You can redeem your loyalty rewards, gifts, and discount offers during checkout when shopping at Simply select the reward under “Select Rewards…” drop down box in the order summary section. Elevate your shopping experience with our Dispensary Loyalty Program.

How can I stay up-to-date on Cannagrams promotions and updates?

By joining our Dispensary Loyalty Program, you’re opting in to receive text and or email messages and will get our best promotions and updates. Don’t worry, the deals are always dank and we don’t send too many!

Do my Loyalty Points expire?

Believe it or not, they don’t! Your loyalty points will not expire.Enjoy the longevity of benefits within our Dispensary Loyalty Program.

From the CG Blog



Now that You’re Familiar with Our Dispensary Loyalty Program, Explore Our Blog !

Now that you’re acquainted with our Dispensary Loyalty Program, we invite you to delve even deeper into your cannabis experience through our blog.

At Cannagram, we are passionate about providing you with valuable insights, the latest updates, and expert advice on all things related to cannabis delivery, dispensary options, and the thriving cannabis community in the Sacramento area.

Our blog is your go-to source for staying informed about the best cannabis products, the most convenient delivery options, and the top-notch dispensaries near you. Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or just starting your journey, we’re here to help you discover the wonders of cannabis.

Come explore our blog and dive into a world of diverse strains, products, and trends that Cannagram has to offer!

Cannagramer’s News: 31/01

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Honey Power: Discover How Holy Herbajuana Honey Enhances Your Wellness Routine

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Vape and Cannabis: Feel the Bliss with Dime Bag’s New 3in1 Vapes

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Cannabis Revolution 2025: The Powerful Hope for Relief and Wellness

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